

Sometimes life can be hard – so let’s talk about it.

Getting laid off can be the worst feeling in the world, and right now, it’s more common than ever. In the first part of 2022 alone, 8,000 people were laid off from their jobs. For people who’ve never been laid off before, or someone who has been at their job for several years, it can feel like a major blow. Here are 3 tips to help you get through your layoff and come out better on the other side:

1. Don’t Panic 

I get it, easier said than done, right? It can feel easy to spiral into anxiety and let your emotions get the better of you. Take a breath and don’t make any rash or sudden decisions. Pay attention to your self-esteem as well - it’s easy to view a layoff as a direct reflection of your skillset and your worth. I assure you that 90% of the time, layoffs are due to company mergers and cuts in budgets. 

2. Don’t Burn Bridges & Set Yourself Up for Future Success

With so much at play, it can feel easy to go scorched earth on your boss, but leaving a job gracefully is the way to go. Your current boss can provide a reference for another job. Negotiate a severance package that you deserve and don’t be afraid to ask questions. People also frequently change jobs, so they may also determine whether or not you’re hired later. Remember: you can’t control if you’re going to leave an impression, but you can control what kind of impression you leave. 

3. Create a Support System

This is the time to lean on your contacts, friends, and those closest to you. Mention that you are now open and looking for work and would love to meet up or talk about some next steps. If someone you know also got laid off and later got hired again, see if you can pick their brain to see what their strategy was. Also recognize that you’re much stronger than you think - with a little resume tailoring, hard work, and focus, you’ll bounce back.


Have you been laid off before? How did you cope, and how did you find your next job?


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